2023, Term 3, Week 1
Principal Message
Dear Families,
Welcome to Term 3. I trust that you have all been able to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been experiencing and spend time with family and friends. It is always a joy to see the happy faces of children returning to school. As always Term 3 will provide a wonderful array of learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom. Be sure to keep up to date re upcoming events by referring to the school calendar.
Have a great Term!
Brian Laybutt
Over the school holidays a number of maintenance works were carried out - ceiling the walkway, roof / window repairs, creating a new artificially turfed activity room (between art/ music room and Yr 1), all carpets steam cleaned, air conditioning units flushed out and all fly screens replaced.
We also welcome Miss Lily Moore onto staff - Lily is replacing Lauren Falcke who left at the end of Term 2. Lily will be working in Yr 3. Unfortunately, due to external business commitments, our Drama teacher Mrs Daina Hogan has tendered her resignation and we are currently advertising for her position.