2024, Term 4, Week 8
Principal Message
St Ambrose Feast Day
2025 Calendar
Congratulations School Leaders 2025
Year 6 Graduation Mass
Kindergarten to Year 2 Presentation Day
St Ambrose Special Awards
Parish Newsletter
Carols and Nativity
2025 Swimming Carnival
Polding Cricket Trials
Sporting Schools - Basketball
Uniform Orders
Art room volunteer for 2025
A Festive Craft Club in Term 4
Gaming and the Brain
Keep a Balance so your Child will Thrive
Be open and honest if your child is reluctant to attend school. Contact the school if your child is regularly seeking to stay home. Working together is the best way to resolve school avoidance.
Principal Message

Dear Families,
Most recently the school has being celebrating its 10th Anniversary. Within such a short period of time St Ambrose has become a vibrant community that embraces contemporary learning, founded in the Catholic faith, and dedicated to fostering a love of knowledge. We pride ourselves on maintaining high academic standards, technology that is embedded into the curriculum and ensuring our students are equipped for the future. Guided by strong family values, we create a nurturing environment where each child can thrive. Our school has earned an excellent reputation, built on the dedication of our staff and the support of our community. Over the last two weeks we have celebrated our “birthday” with the arrival of the Westpac Helicopter who delivered a framed photo of the school: 2014 - 2024. We have also held a “Showcase afternoon”, a fun packed “colour run” afternoon. Today we celebrate our school feast day (Sat 7th Dec) with water slides and jumping castles! Happy 10th Birthday St Ambrose!!!!
As we conclude our 2024 school year I would like to take this opportunity to commend the students of St Ambrose for the way in which you have demonstrated our school values of being respectful, responsible, and courageous. Your commitment to these values has been truly inspiring.
You have shown respect for each other, your teachers, and the school community, creating an atmosphere of kindness and understanding. You have taken responsibility for your actions and contributed positively to your learning and growth. Most impressively, you have shown great courage, facing challenges with determination and a positive mindset.
You should be proud of the way you are living out these values every day. Keep up the fantastic work, and continue to shine as role models for your peers and the wider community. You are all making a difference!
On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all of our amazing parents for your unwavering support throughout the year. Your dedication to our school and the encouragement you’ve shown to our staff has been truly appreciated.
Whether through volunteering your time, offering words of encouragement, or supporting school events, you have played an essential role in creating a vibrant and welcoming environment for our students. Your involvement not only helps our school to thrive, but it also sets a wonderful example for our children, demonstrating the importance of community, care, and commitment.
Thank you for all that you do to help make St Ambrose Primary School a special place. We are truly fortunate to have such a supportive and engaged group of parents.
A heartfelt thank you to all the staff at St Ambrose Primary School for your unwavering commitment, professionalism, and tireless work throughout the year. Your genuine care for our students, combined with your passion for teaching and learning, creates a nurturing and inspiring environment where each child can thrive. The compassion and dedication you show to every student is truly appreciated, and it makes a lasting impact on their lives. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated team who always put the well-being and success of our students first.
On Wednesday 11th December we farewell our Yr 6 students of 2024 and a number of families who will finish their time at St Ambrose.
To our Yr 6 students, as you prepare to leave St Ambrose Primary School, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey you’ve had with us. Over the years, you’ve created lifelong memories, gained positive experiences, and built a solid foundation for your future. The education you’ve received here has not only prepared you academically but has also nurtured your belief in the Catholic faith, taught you compassion, and instilled a sense of thankfulness and gratitude.
You are leaving us as confident individuals with a positive outlook on life. As you continue your journey, remember the lessons you’ve learned and the values you’ve embraced at St Ambrose. We are so proud of all you’ve accomplished and excited to see where your bright futures will take you.
Good luck, Year 6 – may you always stay true to the amazing people you are!
To the following families who are leaving St Ambrose this year: Bell, Daley, Dillon, Eadsforth, Mills, O'Bryan (Foundation), Penrose, Riddell, Caltabiano, Ellison, Foyster, Greensill (Foundation), Harris, Mactaggart, Monsalve, Newton, Ostila, and Reeves (Foundation) Families. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the families who are leaving St Ambrose. Thank you for your support and for entrusting us with your child's education. It has been our privilege to partner with you in your child's learning journey. We wish your family all the best as you embark on the next chapter.
With the commencement of Advent and the Christmas season upon us, I wish you all a truly wonderful and meaningful Christmas. May this special time remind us of the true spirit of Christmas – love, joy, and compassion. We encourage you to support your local Parish Christmas liturgies, joining together in prayer and celebration of the birth of Christ. Most importantly, take time to be with your family and loved ones, cherishing these precious moments. May your hearts be filled with peace, hope, and the light of Christ this Christmas and throughout the New Year.
Thank you for another wonderful year!
Best Wishes,
Brian Laybutt
St Ambrose Feast Day
In addition to the water slides and fun activities, on our Feast Day Feast Day - all Year groups will “learn” about different aspects of the school and hence build up a greater understanding of our history, traditions and school culture.
Kinder - Our School Values - what do they mean?
Yr 1 - Our School Motto - what does it mean?
Yr 2 - School Crest - what are the elements?
Yr 3 - Research “Bees” - look for comparable positive qualities
Yr 4 - Research the life of St Ambrose
Yr 5 - History of Pottsville and Parish
Yr 6 - Why is our School Special - reflection of their time at St Ambrose
Happy St Ambrose Feast Day!!! (7th Dec)
2025 Calendar

Many of our dates for 2025 have now been entered into our School Calendar. These include return to school dates, Pupil Free Days, Grandparents Day, school holidays etc
Congratulations School Leaders 2025

Year 6 Graduation Mass
Kindergarten to Year 2 Presentation Day

St Ambrose Special Awards

Parish Newsletter
Carols and Nativity

2025 Swimming Carnival
The 2025 St Ambrose Swimming Carnival will be held on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at the Murwillumbah Aquatic Centre. Children who turn 8 or older in 2025 are eligible for the competitive events. .
Please complete the Registration Google Form by Monday 9 December at 3.00pm. By completing this form, you agree your child will participate. This will determine which events your child competes in and will be used to place students in their heats prior to the day.
Due to the large number of children expected to attend the swimming carnival we will not be accepting any late registrations or changes to events selected on the day.
If you have trouble accessing the google form please try using YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL @lism GMAIL account. If the hyperlink does not work please copy and paste the following link: https://forms.gle/WNPcAoPdk4c1zpXZ7
Please also ensure you give permission for your child to attend by Monday 9 December 2024 via COMPASS.

Polding Cricket Trials

On Wednesday 4th December Jorge Johnson travelled to Lismore to represent the Lismore Diocese at the Polding Cricket Trials. Jorge played exceptionally well batting and bowling throughout the day.
Sporting Schools - Basketball
Over the past three weeks, students in Kindergarten to Year 6 have been participating in the Sporting Schools Basketball program. These sessions have been delivered every Monday and Thursday by accredited coach Troy Stanley from Tweed Valley Basketball.

Uniform Orders

Uniform Shop Now Closed
** Please note – All exchanges must be finalised by Wednesday 18th December
1st Uniform Orders for 2025
Uniform orders ready for collection in Classroom when attending MAI/Best Start Testing - Order by 5pm Thursday 30th Jan (Place order for Fri 31st Jan)
Please make sure you have changed your child’s Year Level/Class in Flexischools to be their Class for 2025 so uniforms can be delivered to the correct classroom!
Art room volunteer for 2025

We are looking for a regular volunteer to help in the Art room next year. Ideally someone who can commit to a regular weekly time, even if it's just for 1-2 hours, on a Monday or Tuesday. We'll send out another announcement next year, but do let us know if you might be interested. Thank you!
A Festive Craft Club in Term 4

Gaming and the Brain
For many children, gaming is not a problem and may never be one. But for a very small number of children, gaming may become problematic. The distinction between healthy gaming and addiction lies in the negative impact it has on a person's life.
Signs to Watch For
- Needing to spend more and more time playing to satisfy the urge
- Using gaming to relieve or cope with problems or negative feelings
- Feeling unable to focus on other activities when they’re not gaming
- Having problems or arguments with family or friends
- Continuing to play even though it’s causing them problems
- Playing even though they’re no longer enjoying it
- Inability to reduce playing or unsuccessful attempts to quit
- Having problems at home, school, work or with study because of gaming
- Neglecting responsibilities and activities that are important or they enjoy
- Lying to people they’re close to about how much time they spend playing
- Having risked or lost friends because of gaming
- Feeling sad, angry, moody, anxious or irritable when they can’t play
Practical Tips
- Create a Family device agreement.
- Explain that you will turn off the Wi-Fi at a specific time or use parent controls to manage screen time.
- Decide together on the time allowed for gaming and that you will provide them with a 5-minute warning.
- Help them to understand how the games are designed to make them feel good and to play more. Watch this short video Your Child’s Brain on Screens and Video Games to understand game design and impact.
- Explore other healthy ways to feel similar endorphins such as active play and fun games.
- Contact Parentline (1300 1300 52) for advice if you continue to experience difficulties with your child’s gaming.
Learn More About the Impacts of Gaming and Screen Time
Watch How too much screen time hurts our kids by Associate Professor Wayne Warburton.
Keep a Balance so your Child will Thrive
A key part of parenting is to ensure your child has a healthy, balanced life. This is also true of their engagement in the online world.
Start the conversation
- Talk to your child about their online time and the importance of taking breaks.
- Spend time online with your child to understand their games and platforms better.
- Conduct an experiment to measure their device usage throughout the day.
- Children thrive with a balanced mix of activities. Ensure they engage in physical activity, connect with nature, bond with family, interact with peers and develop their spirituality.
- Follow Australian Department of Health guidelines for screen time limits: 1 hour per day for ages 2-5 and 2 hours per day for ages 5-17 (excluding online learning).
Practical Tips
- Create a family device agreement to set boundaries for device use.
- Establish device-free times such as before bedtime, during dinner, and overnight.
- Focus on quality content rather than quantity. Discuss and engage with what your child watches or does online.
- Provide alternative options and encourage offline activities, hobbies, and sports.
- Dedicate one screen-free day each week.
Parent Resources
Be open and honest if your child is reluctant to attend school. Contact the school if your child is regularly seeking to stay home. Working together is the best way to resolve school avoidance.
It is essential to address the issue promptly to understand the underlying reasons and provide necessary support.
Start by having an open and non-judgmental conversation with your child. Ask them about their feelings, concerns, or any challenges they may be facing related to school. Ask open-ended questions in a space where they feel comfortable.
Examples of conversation openers include:
- Tell me about how you’ve been feeling lately.
- What are some things you don’t like about being at school?
- You’ve said you feel _______. Can you tell me what that feels like?
- Tell me when you feel happy at school? What do you like to do?
- If you could change two things about school what would they be?
Actively listen to your child's concerns and feelings. It's important to understand their perspective and validate their emotions. Avoid being dismissive or judgmental, and let them know you are there to support them. Move to more specific questions like
- Is there a specific incident that has made you feel this way with someone at school?
- Is school-work upsetting you?
Make a plan with your child to talk to the school. You can seek advice free from NSW ParentLine 1300 1300 52.